I've added support for DeepDyve to BioNames. If an article is available in DeepDyve, BioNames displays a link (see http://bionames.org/references/6952b806f87de2106669b2412043a4ab for an example). DeepDyve makes it possible to quickly check a fact (for example, the spelling of a taxonomic name). It obviously doesn't tackle bigger issues such as access to text for data mining, but if you just need to check something, or follow a lead, then it's an interesting and useful wrinkle on publishing models.
Rants, raves (and occasionally considered opinions) on phyloinformatics, taxonomy, and biodiversity informatics. For more ranty and less considered opinions, see my Twitter feed.
ISSN 2051-8188. Written content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
The first five minutes are free - renting articles on DeepDyve
I've added support for DeepDyve to BioNames. If an article is available in DeepDyve, BioNames displays a link (see http://bionames.org/references/6952b806f87de2106669b2412043a4ab for an example). DeepDyve makes it possible to quickly check a fact (for example, the spelling of a taxonomic name). It obviously doesn't tackle bigger issues such as access to text for data mining, but if you just need to check something, or follow a lead, then it's an interesting and useful wrinkle on publishing models.