Showing posts with label teaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teaching. Show all posts

Friday, September 18, 2015

Towards an interactive web-based phylogeny editor (à la MacClade)

Currently in classes where I teach the basics of tree building, we still fire up ancient iMacs, load up MacClade, and let the students have a play. Typically we give them the same data set and have a class competition to see which group can get the shortest tree by manually rearranging the branches. It’s fun, but the computers are old, and what’s nostalgic for me seems alien to the iPhone generation.

One thing I’ve always wanted to have is a simple MacClade-like tree editor for the Web, where the aim is not so much character analysis as teaching the basics of tree building. Something with the easy of use as Phylo (basically Candy Crush for sequence alignments).


The challenge is to keep things as simple as possible. One idea is to have a column of taxa and you can drag individual taxa up and down to rearrange the tree.

Interactive tree design notes

Imagine each row has the characters and their states. Unlike the Phylo game, where the goal is to slide the amino acids until you get a good aliognment, here we want to move the taxa to improve the tree (e.g., based on its parsimony score).

The problem is that we need to be able to generate all possible rearrangements for a given number of taxa. In the example above, if we move taxon C, there are five possible positions it could go on the remaining subtree:

2 But if we simply shuffle the order of the taxa we can’t generate all the trees. However, if we remember that we also have the internal nodes, then there is a simple way we can generate the trees. 1 When we draw a tree each row corresponds to a node. The gap between each pair of leaves (the taxa A,B,D) corresponds to the an internal nodes. So we could divide the drawing up into “hit zone”, so that if you drag the taxon we’re adding (“C”) onto the zone centred on a leaf, we add the taxon below that leaf; if we drag it onto a zone between two leaves, we attach it below that the corresponding internal node. From the user’s point of view they are still simply sliding taxa up and down, but in doing so we can create each of the possible trees.

We could implement this in a Web browser with some Javascript to handle the user moving the taxa, and draw the corresponding phylogeny to the left, and quickly update the (say, parsimony) score of the tree so that the user gets immediate feedback as to whether the rearrangement they’ve made improves the tree.

I think this could be a fun teaching tool, and if it supported touch then students could use their phones and tablets to get a sense of how tree building works.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Open course on phyloinformatics

As part of a postgraduate course here at the University of Glasgow I'm teaching five sessions on "phyloinformatics", which I've decided to define broadly enough to encompass most of biodiversity informatics.

Given that this module is being developed on the fly, and will make use of lots of little "toys" I've developed and discussed on this blog, I've decided to put the course notes online, along with the interactive demos and the source code. So, if you want to follow along for the next couple of weeks, here are the links:

Each course page supports comments (see the bottom of the page), so feel free to add comments, or suggestions. The notes are at a crude stage, and will be developed over the duration of the course (2 weeks). I'm also endeavouring to get all the source code for the demonstration apps into GitHub. None of these demos is polished, but they will hopefully provide some ideas for taking them further. There will be iSpecies-like mashups, iPad webapps, classification visualisations, TreeBASE search tools, geophylogenies and other phylogeny viewers.