In TreeBASE, the taxon Diplura is a spider genus (TreeBASE taxon T4182), part of the study by Fredrick Coyle (hdl:2246/1665).

NCBI has "Diplura" (Taxonomy ID (29997), but this is the insect class (or order, depdnign on what classification you use). NCBI mistakenly links "Diplura" in NCBI to "Diplura" in TreeBASE, but links correctly to the insect record in ITIS (Taxonomic Serial No:99228).
To make matters worse, there is also an algal genus Diplura, which ITIS also has (Taxonomic Serial No:10873).
The problem comes when we look up this name in uBio. The name Diplura is listed as appearing in several classifications, including NCBI, ITIS, etc., as well as its occurrence as a butterfly name (Diplura Ranbur, 1866). However, in the metadata for this name there is the tag <ubio:taxonomicGroup>Phaeophyceae</ubio:taxonomicGroup> (the Phaeophyceae are algae). Clearly, a name that is used by a spider, an insect, and an alga (never mind a butterfly) can't be assigned to a single taxonomic group. Perhaps one solution would be have multiple instance of the <ubio:taxonomicGroup> tag, one for each major taxonomic group the name came from.
My motivation in all this is to start thinking about taxonomic names as simple "tags", with a view to using some of the vocabularies for taxonomies and "folksonomies" geing developed elsewhere, such as SKOS Core. Under this approach, I'd need GUIDs for name strings, independent of their usage. uBio pretty much does this, but for the <ubio:taxonomicGroup> tag.