The ability to create PDFs for the articles
BioStor extracts from the
Biodiversity Heritage Library has been the single most
requested feature for BioStor. I've taken a while to get around to this -- for a bunch of reasons -- but I've finally added it today. You can get a PDF of an article by either clicking on the PDF link on the page for an article, or by appending ".pdf" to the article URL (e.g., In some ways the BioStor PDFs are pretty basic - they contain page images, not the OCR text, so they tend to be quite large and you can't search for text within the article. But what they do have is XMP metadata.
XMP metadata
One of the great bugbears about organising bibliographies is the lack of embedded metadata in PDFs, in other words
Why can't I manage academic papers like MP3s? (see my
earlier post for some background). Music files and digital photos contain embedded metadata that store information such as song title and artist in the case of music, or date, exposure, camera model, and GPS co-ordinates in the case of digital images. This means software (and webs sites such as Flickr) can automatically organise your collection of media based on this embedded metadata.

Wouldn't it be great if there was an equivalent for PDFs of papers, whereby the PDF contains all the relevant the bibliographic details (article title, authorship, journal, volume, pages, etc.), and reference managing software could read this and automatically put the PDF into whatever categories you chose (e.g., by author, journal, or date)? Well, at least two software programs can do this, namely the cross-platform
Mendeley, and
Papers, which supports Apple's Macintosh, iPhone, and iPad platforms. Both programs can read bibliographic metadata in Adobe's
Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP), which has been adopted by journals such as
Nature, and CrossRef has recently been experimenting in
providing services to add XMP to PDFs.
One reason I put off adding PDFs to BioStor was the issue of simply generating dumb PDFs for which users would then have to retype the corresponding bibliographic metadata if they wanted to store the PDF in a reference manager. However, given that both Papers and Mendeley support XMP, you can simply drag the PDF on to either program and they will extract the details for you (including a list of up to 10 taxonomic names found in the article). Both Papers and Mendeley support the notion of a "watched folder" where you can dump PDFs and they will "automagically" appear in your reference manager's library. Hence, if you use either program you should be able to simply download PDFs from BioStor and add them to your library without having to retype anything at all.
Technical detailsThis post is being written as I'm waiting to catch a plane, so I haven't time to go into all the gory details. The basic tools I used to construct the PDfs were
FPDF and
ExifTool, which supports injecting
XMP into PDFs (I couldn't find another free tool that could insert XMP into a PDF that didn't already have any XMP metadata). I store basic Dublin Core and PRISM metadata in the PDF. The ten most common taxonomic names found in the pages of the article are stored as subject tags.

Initially it appeared that only Papers could extract XMP, Mendeley failed completely (somewhat confirming my
prejudices about Mendeley). However, I sent an example PDF to Mendeley support, and they helpfully diagnosed the problem. Because XMP metadata can't always be trusted, Mendeley compares title and author values in the XMP metadata with text on the first couple of pages of the PDF. If they match, then the program accepts the XMP metadata. Because my initial efforts as creating PDfs just contained the BHL page images and no text, they wouldn't pass Mendeley's tests. Hence, I added a cover page containing the basic bibliographic metadata for the article, and now Mendeley is happy (the program itself is growing on me, but if you're an Apple fanboy like me, Papers has native look and feel, and syncing your library with your iPhone is a killer feature). There are a few minor differences in how Papers and Mendeley handle tags. Papers will take text in the Dublin Core "Subject" tag and use those as keywords, whereas to get Mendeley to extract tags I had to store them using the "Keywords" tag (implemented using FPDF's
function). But after a bit of fussing I think the BioStor PDFs should play nice in both programs.