So, I've started to play with a version that runs in the cloud using my favourite database, CouchDB. The data is hosted by Cloudant, which now provides full text search powered by Lucene. Essentially, I simply take article-level metadata from BioStor in BibJSON format and push that to Cloudant. I then wrote a simple wrapper around querying CouchDB, couple that with the Documentcloud Viewer to display articles and citeproc-js to format the citations (not exactly fun, but someone is bound to ask for them), and a we have a simple, searchable database of literature.
If you want to try the cloud-based version go to (code on Github).
I've been wanting to do this for a while, partly because this is how I will implement my entry in EOL's computational data challenge, but also because CrossRef's Metadata search shows the power of finding references simply by using full text search (I've shamelessly borrowed some of the interface styling from Karl Ward's code). David Shorthouse demonstrates what you can do using CrossRef's tool in his post Conference Tweets in the Age of Information Overconsumption. Given how much time I spend trying to parse taxonomic citations and match them to articles in CrossRef's database, or BioStor, I'm looking forward to making this easier.
There are two major limitations of this cloud version of BioStor (aprt from the fact it has only a subset of the articles in BioStor). The first is that the page images are still being served from my Mac Mini, so they can be a bit slow to load. I've put the metadata and the search engine in the cloud, but not the images (we're talking a terabyte or two of bitmaps).
The other limitation is that there's no API. I hope to address this shortly, perhaps mimicking the CrossRef API so if one has code that talks to CrossRef it could just as easily talk to BioStor.