Thursday, December 17, 2015

Will JSON, NoSQL, and graph databases save the Semantic Web?

OK, so the title is pure click bait, but here's the thing. It seems to me that the Semantic Web as classically conceived (RDF/XML, SPARQL, triple stores) has had relatively little impact outside academia, whereas other technologies such as JSON, NoSQL (e.g., MongoDB, CouchDB) and graph databases (e.g., Neo4J) have got a lot of developer mindshare.

In biodiversity informatics the Semantic Web has been a round for a while. We've been pumping out millions of RDF documents (mostly served by LSIDs) since 2005 and, to a first approximation, nothing has happened. I've repeatedly blogged about why I think this is (see this post for a summary).

I was an early fan of RDF and the Semantic Web, but soon decided that it was far more hassle than it was worth. The obsession with ontologies, the problems of globally unique identifiers based on HTTP (http-14 range, anyone?), the need to get a lot of ducks in a row all mad it a colossal pain. Then I discovered the NoSQL document database CouchDB, which is a JSON store that features map-reduce views rather than on the fly queries. To somebody with a relational database background this is a bit of a headfuck:

Fault tolerance

But CouchDB has a great interface, can be replicated to the cloud, and is FUN (how many times can you say that about a database?). So I starting playing with CouchDB for small projects, then used it to build BioNames and more recently moved BioStor to CouchDB hosted both locally and in the cloud.

Then there are graph databases such as Neo4J, which has some really cool things such as GraphGists which is a playground where you can create interactive graphs and query them (here's an example I created). Once again, this is FUN.

Another big trend over the last decade is the flight from XML and its hideous complexities (albeit coupled with great power) to the simplicity of JSON (part of the rise of JavaScript). JSON makes it very easy to pass around data in simple key-value documents (with more complexity such as lists if you need them). Pretty much any modern API will serve you data in JSON.

So, what happened to RDF? Well, along with a plethora of formats (XML, triples, quads, etc., etc.) it adopted JSON in the form of JSON-LD (see JSON-LD and Why I Hate the Semantic Web for background). JSON-LD lets you have data in JSON (which both people and machines find easy to understand) and all the complexity/clarity of having the data clearly labelled using controlled vocabularies such as Dublin Core and This complexity is shunted off into a "@context" variable where it can in many cases be safely ignored.

But what I find really interesting is that instead of JSON-LD being a way to get developers interested in the rest of the Semantic Web stack (e.g. HTTP URIs as identifiers, SPARQL, and triple stores), it seems that what it is really going to do is enable well-described structured to get access to all the cool things being developed around JSON. For example, we have document databases such as CouchDB which speaks HTTP and JSON, and search servers such as ElasticSearch which make it easy to work with large datasets. There are also some cool things happening with graph databases and Javascript, such as Hexastore (see also Weiss, C., Karras, P., & Bernstein, A. (2008, August 1). Hexastore. Proc. VLDB Endow. VLDB Endowment., PDF here) where we create the six possible indexes of the classic RDF [subject,predicate,object] triple (this is the sort of thing can also be done in CouchDB). Hence we can have graph databases implemented in a web browser!

So, when we see large-scale "Semantic Web" applications that actually exist and solve real problems, we may well be more likely to see technologies other than the classic Semantic Web stack. As an example, see the following paper:

Szekely, P., Knoblock, C. A., Slepicka, J., Philpot, A., Singh, A., Yin, C., … Ferreira, L. (2015). Building and Using a Knowledge Graph to Combat Human Trafficking. The Semantic Web - ISWC 2015. Springer Science + Business Media.

There's a free PDF here, and a talk online. The consortium behind this project researchers did extensive text mining, data cleaning and linking, creating a massive collection of JSON-LD documents. Rather than use a triple store and SPARQL, they indexed the JSON-LD using ElasticSearch (notice that they generated graphs for each of the entities they care about, in a sense denormalising the data).

I think this is likely to be the direction many large-scale projects are going to be going. Use the Semantic Web ideas of explicit vocabularies with HTTP URIs for definitions, encode the data in JSON-LD so it's readable by developers (no developers, no projects), then use some of the powerful (and fun) technologies that have been developed around semi-structured data. And if you have JSON-LD, then you get SEO for free by embedding that JSON-LD in your web pages.

In summary, if biodiversity informatics wants to play with the Semantic Web/linked data then it seems obvious that some combination of JSON-LD with NoSQL, graph databases, and search tools like ElasticSearch are the way to go.

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Visualising the difference between two taxonomic classifications

It's a nice feeling when work that one did ages ago seems relevant again. Markus Döring has been working on a new backbone classification of all the species which occur in taxonomic checklists harvested by GBIF. After building a new classification the obvious question arises "how does this compare to the previous GBIF classification?" A simple question, answering it however is a little tricky. It's relatively easy to compare two text files -- and this function appears in places such as Wikipedia and GitHub -- but comparing trees is a little trickier. Ordering in trees is less meaningful than in text files, which have a single linear order. In other words, as text strings "(a,b,c)" and "(c,b,a)" are different, but as trees they are the same.

Classifications can be modelled as a particular kind of tree where (unlike, say, phylogenies) every node has a unique label. For example, the tips may be species and the internal nodes may be higher taxa such as genera, families, etc. So, what we need is a way of comparing two rooted, labelled trees and finding the differences. Turns out, this is exactly what Gabriel Valiente and I worked on in this paper doi:10.1186/1471-2105-6-208. The code for that paper (available on GitHub) computes an "edit script" that gives a set of operations to convert one fully labelled tree into another. So I brushed up my rusty C++ skills (I'm using "skills" loosely here) and wrote some code to take two trees and the edit script, and create a simple web page that shows the two trees and their differences. Below is a screen shot showing a comparison between the classification of whales in the Mammals Species of the World, and one from GBIF (you can see a live version here).


The display uses colours to show whether a nodes has been deleted from the first tree, inserted into the second tree, or moved to a different position. Clicking on a node in one tree scrolls the corresponding node in the other tree (if it exists) to scroll into view. Most of the differences between the two trees are due to the absence of fossils from Mammals Species of the World, but there are other issues such as GBIF ignoring tribes, and a few taxa that are duplicated due to spelling typos, etc.

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Frontiers of biodiversity informatics and modelling species distributions #GBIFfrontiers @AMNH videos

For those of you who, like me, weren't at the "Frontiers Of Biodiversity Informatics and Modelling Species Distributions" held at the AMNH in New York, here are the videos of the talks and panel discussion, which the organisers have kindly put up on Vimeo with the following description:

The Center for Biodiversity and Conservation (CBC) partnered with the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) to host a special "Symposium and Panel Discussion: Frontiers Of Biodiversity Informatics and Modelling Species Distributions" at the American Museum of Natural History on November 4, 2015.

The event kicked off a working meeting of the GBIF Task Group on Data Fitness for Use in Distribution Modelling at the City College of New York on November 5-6. GBIF convened the Task Group to assess the state of the art in the field, to connect with the worldwide scientific and modelling communities, and to share a vision of how GBIF support them in the coming decade.

The event successfully convened a broad, global audience of students and scientists to exchange ideas and visions on emerging frontiers of biodiversity informatics. Using inputs from the symposium and from a web survey of experts, the Data Fitness task group will prepare a report, which will be open for consultation and feedback at and on the GBIF Community Site in December 2015.

Guest post: 10 years of global biodiversity databases: are we there yet?

YtNkVT2UThis guest post by Tony Rees explores some of the themes from his recent talk 10 years of Global Biodiversity Databases: Are We There Yet?.

A couple of months ago I received an invitation to address the upcoming 2015 meeting of the Malacological Society of Australasia (Australian and New Zealand mollusc persons for the uninitiated) on some topic associated with biodiversity databases, and I decided that a decadal review might be an interesting exercise, both for my potential audience (perhaps) and for my own interest (definitely). Well, the talk is delivered and the slides are available on the web for viewing if interested, and Rod has kindly invited me to present some of its findings here, and possibly stimulate some ongoing discussion since a lot of my interests overlap his own quite closely. I was also somewhat influenced in my choice of title by a previous presentation of Rod's from some 5 years back, "Why aren't we there yet?" which provides a slightly pessimistic counterpoint to my own perhaps more optimistic summary.

I decided to construct the talk around 5 areas: compilations of taxonomic names and associated valid/accepted taxa; links to the literature (original citations, descriptions, more); machine-addressable lists of taxon traits; compilations of georeferenced species data points such as OBIS and GBIF; and synoptic efforts in the environmental niche modelling area (all or many species so as to be able to produce global biodiversity as well as single-species maps). Without recapping the entire content of my talk (which you can find on SlideShare), I thought I would share with readers of this blog some of the more interesting conclusions, many of which are not readily available elsewhere, at least not with effort to chase down and/or make educated guesses.

In the area of taxonomic names, for animals (sensu lato) ION has gone up from 1.8m to 5.2m names (2.8m to 3.5m indexed documents) from all ranks (synonyms not distinguished) over the cited period 2005-2015, while Catalogue of Life has gone up from 0.5m species names + ?? synonyms to 1.6m species names + 1.3m synonyms over the same period; for fossils, BioNames database is making some progress in linking ION names to external resources on the web but, at less than 100k such links, is still relatively small scale and without more than a single-operator level of resourcing. A couple of other "open access" biological literature indexing activities are still at a modest level (e.g. 250k-350k citations, as against an estimated biological literature of perhaps 20m items) at present, and showing few signs of current active development (unless I have missed them of course).

Comprehensive databases of taxon traits (in machine addressable form) appear to have started with the author’s own "IRMNG" genus- and species- level compendium which was initially tailored to OBIS needs for simply differentiating organisms into extant vs. fossil, marine vs. nonmarine. More comprehensive indexes exist for specific groups and recently, Encyclopedia of Life has established "TraitBank" which is making some headway although some of the "traits" such as geographic distribution (a bounding box from either GBIF or OBIS) and "number of GenBank sequences" stretch the concept of trait a little (just my two cents' worth, of course), and the newly created linkage to Google searches is to be applauded.

With regard to aggregating georeferenced species data (specimens and observations), both OBIS (marine taxa only) and GBIF (all taxa) have made quite a lot of progress over the past ten years, OBIS increasing its data holdings ninefold from 5.6m to 44.9m (from 38 to 1,900+ data providers) and GBIF more than tenfold from 45m to 577m records over the same period, from 300+ to over 15k providers. While these figures look healthy there are still many data gaps in holdings e.g. by location sampled, year/season, ocean depth, distance to land etc. and it is probably a fair question to ask what is the real "end point" for such projects, i.e. somewhere between "a record for every species" and "a record for every individual of every species", perhaps...

Global / synoptic niche modelling projects known to the author basically comprise Lifemapper for terrestrial species and AquaMaps for marine taxa (plus some freshwater). Lifemapper claims "data for over 100,000 species" but it is unclear whether this corresponds to the number of completed range maps available at this time, while AquaMaps has maps for over 22,000 species (fishes, marine mammals and invertebrates, with an emphasis on fishes) each of which has a point data map, a native range map clipped to where the species is believed to occur, an "all suitable habitat map" (the same unclipped) and a "year 2100 map" showing projected range changes under one global warming scenario. Mapping parameters can also be adjusted by the user using an interactive "create your own map" function, and stacking all completed maps together produces plots of computed ocean biodiversity plus the ability to undertake web-based "what [probably] lives here" queries for either all species or for particular groups. Between these two projects (which admittedly use different modelling methodologies but both should produce useful results as a first pass) the state of synoptic taxon modelling actually appears quite good, especially since there are ongoing workshops e.g. the recent AMNH/GBIF workshop Biodiversity Informatics and Modelling Species Distributions at which further progress and stumbling blocks can be discussed.

So, some questions arising:

  • Who might produce the best "single source" compendium of expert-reviewed species lists, for all taxa, extant and fossil, and how might this happen (my guess: a consortium of Catalogue of Life + PaleoBioDB at some future point)
  • Will this contain links to the literature, at least citations but preferably as online digital documents where available? (CoL presently no, PaleoBioDB has human-readable citations only at present)
  • Will EOL increasingly claim the "TraitBank" space, and do a good enough job of it? (also bearing in mind that EOL is still an aggregator, not an original content creator, i.e. somebody still has to create it elsewhere)
  • Will OBIS and/or GBIF ever be "complete", and how will we know when we’ve got there (or, how complete is enough for what users might require)?
  • Same for niche modelling/predicted species maps: will all taxa eventually be covered, and will the results be (generally) reliable and useable (and at what scale); or, what more needs to be done to increase map quality and reliability.

Opinions, other insights welcome!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Comments on "Widespread mistaken identity in tropical plant collections"

Zoë A. Goodwin (@Drypetes) and collegagues have published a paper with a title guaranteed to get noticed:

Goodwin, Z. A., Harris, D. J., Filer, D., Wood, J. R. I., & Scotland, R. W. (2015, November). Widespread mistaken identity in tropical plant collections. Current Biology. Elsevier BV.

Their paper argues that "more than half of all tropical plant collections may be wrongly named." This is clearly a worrying conclusion with major implications for aggregators such as GBIF that get the bulk of their data (excluding birds) from museums and herbaria.

I'm quite prepared to accept that there are going to be considerable problems with herbarium and museum labels, but there are aspects of this study that are deeply frustrating.

Where's the data?

The authors don't provide any data! This difficult to understand, especially as they downloaded data from GBIF which provides DOIs for each and every download. Why don't the authors cite those DOIs (which would enable others to grab the same data, and also ultimately provides a way to provide credit to the original data providers)? The authors obtained data from multiple herbaria, matched specimens that were the same, and compared their taxonomic names. This is a potentially very useful data set, but the authors don't provide it. Anybody wanting to explore the problem immediately hits a brick wall.

Unpublished taxonomy

The first group of plants the authors looked at is Aframomum, and they often refer to a recent monograph of this genus which is cited as "Harris, D.J., and Wortley, A.H. (In Press). Monograph of Aframomum (Zingiberaceae). Syst. Bot. Monogr.". As far as I can tell, this hasn't been published. This not only makes it hard for the reader to investigate further, it means the authors mention a name in the paper that doesn't seem to be have been published:
In 2014 the plant was recognized as a new species, Aframomum lutarium D.J.Harris & Wortley, by Harris & Wortley as part of the revision of the genus Aframomum
I confess ignorance of the Botanical Code of Nomenclature, but in zoology this is a no no.

What specimen is show in Fig. 1?

Gr1 lrg Figure 1 shows a herbarium specimen, but there's no identifier or link for the specimen. Is this specimen available online? Can I see it in GBIF? Can I see it's history and explore further? if not, why not? If it's not available online, why not pick one that is?

What is "wrong"?

The authors state:
Examination of the 560 Ipomoea names associated with 49,500 specimens in GBIF (Figure S1A) revealed a large proportion of the names to be nomenclatural and taxonomic synonyms (40%), invalid, erroneous or unrecognised names (16%, ‘invalid’ in Figure S1A). In addition, 11% of the specimens in GBIF were unidentified to species.
Are synonyms wrong? If it's a nomenclatural synonym, then it's effectively the same name. If it's a taxonomic synonym, then is that "wrong"? Identifications occur at a given time, and our notion of what constitutes a taxon can change over time. It's one thing to say a specimen has been assigned to a taxon which we now regard as a synonym of another, quite another to say that a specimen has been wrongly identified. What are "invalid, erroneous or unrecognised names"? Are these typos, or genuinely erroneous names? Once again, if the authors provided the data we could investigate. But they haven't, so we can't examine whether their definition of "wrong" is reasonable.

I'm all for people flagging problems (after all, I've made something of career of it), but surely one reason for flagging problems is so that they can be recognised and fixed. By basing their results on an unpublished monograph, and by not providing any data in support of their conclusions, the authors prevent those of us interested in fixing problems being able to drill down and understand the nature of the problem. If the authors had both published the article and provided the data they would have done the community a real service. Instead we are left with a study with a click bait title that will get lots of attention, but which doesn't provide any way for people to make progress on the problem the paper identifies.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Visualising big phylogenies (yet again)

Inspired in part by the release of the draft tree of life (doi:10.1073/pnas.1423041112 by the Open Tree of Life, I've been revisiting (yet again) ways to visualise very big phylogenies (see Very large phylogeny viewer for my last attempt).

My latest experiment uses Google Maps to render a large tree. Googletree Google Maps uses "tiles" to create a zoomable interface, so we need to create tiles for different zoom levels for the phylogeny. To create this visualisation I did the following:

  1. The phylogeny laid out in a 256 x 256 grid.
  2. The position of each line in the drawing is stored in a MySQL database as a spatial element (in this case a LINESTRING)
  3. When the Google Maps interface needs to display a tile at a certain zoom level and location, a spatial SQL query retrieves the lines that intersect the bounds of the tile, then draws those using SVG.
Hence, the tiles are drawn on the fly, rather than stored as images on disk. This is a crude proof of concept so far, there are a few issues to tackle to make this usable:
  1. At the moment there are no labels. I would need a way to compute what tables to show at what zoom level ("level of detail"). In other words, at low levels of zoom we want just a few higher taxa to be picked out, whereas as we zoom in we want more and more taxa to be labelled, until at the highest zoom levels we have the tips individually labelled.
  2. Ideally each tile would require roughly the same amount of effort to draw. However, at the moment the code is very crude and simply draws every line that intersects a tile. For example, for zoom level 0 the entire tree fits on a single tile, so I draw the entire tree. This is not going to scale to very large trees, so I need to be able to "cull" a lot of the lines and draw only those that will be visible.
In the past I've steered away from Google Maps-style interfaces because the image is zoomed along both the x and y axes, which is not necessarily ideal. But the tradeoff is that I don't have to do any work handling user interactions, I just need to focus on efficiently rendering the image tiles.

All very crude, but I think this approach has potential, especially if the "level of detail" issue can be tackled.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Towards an interactive web-based phylogeny editor (à la MacClade)

Currently in classes where I teach the basics of tree building, we still fire up ancient iMacs, load up MacClade, and let the students have a play. Typically we give them the same data set and have a class competition to see which group can get the shortest tree by manually rearranging the branches. It’s fun, but the computers are old, and what’s nostalgic for me seems alien to the iPhone generation.

One thing I’ve always wanted to have is a simple MacClade-like tree editor for the Web, where the aim is not so much character analysis as teaching the basics of tree building. Something with the easy of use as Phylo (basically Candy Crush for sequence alignments).


The challenge is to keep things as simple as possible. One idea is to have a column of taxa and you can drag individual taxa up and down to rearrange the tree.

Interactive tree design notes

Imagine each row has the characters and their states. Unlike the Phylo game, where the goal is to slide the amino acids until you get a good aliognment, here we want to move the taxa to improve the tree (e.g., based on its parsimony score).

The problem is that we need to be able to generate all possible rearrangements for a given number of taxa. In the example above, if we move taxon C, there are five possible positions it could go on the remaining subtree:

2 But if we simply shuffle the order of the taxa we can’t generate all the trees. However, if we remember that we also have the internal nodes, then there is a simple way we can generate the trees. 1 When we draw a tree each row corresponds to a node. The gap between each pair of leaves (the taxa A,B,D) corresponds to the an internal nodes. So we could divide the drawing up into “hit zone”, so that if you drag the taxon we’re adding (“C”) onto the zone centred on a leaf, we add the taxon below that leaf; if we drag it onto a zone between two leaves, we attach it below that the corresponding internal node. From the user’s point of view they are still simply sliding taxa up and down, but in doing so we can create each of the possible trees.

We could implement this in a Web browser with some Javascript to handle the user moving the taxa, and draw the corresponding phylogeny to the left, and quickly update the (say, parsimony) score of the tree so that the user gets immediate feedback as to whether the rearrangement they’ve made improves the tree.

I think this could be a fun teaching tool, and if it supported touch then students could use their phones and tablets to get a sense of how tree building works.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

On having multiple DOI registration agencies for the same journal

On Friday I discovered that BHL has started issuing CrossRef DOIs for articles, starting with the journal Revue Suisse de Zoologie. The metadata for these articles comes from BioStor. After a WTF and WWIC moment, I tweeted about this, and something of a Twitter storm (and email storm) ensued:

To be clear, I'm very happy that BHL is finally assigning article-level DOIs, and that it is doing this via CrossRef. Readers of this blog may recall an earlier discussion about the relative merits of different types of DOIs, especially in the context of identifiers for articles. The bulk of the academic literature has DOIs issued by CrossRef, and these come with lots of nice services that make them a joy to use if you are a data aggregator, like me. There are other DOI registration agencies minting DOIs for articles, such as Airiti Library in Taiwan (e.g., doi:10.6165/tai.1998.43(2).150) and ISTIC (中文DOI) in China (e.g., doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-7083.2014.05.020) (pro tip, if you want to find out the registration agency for a DOI, simply append it to, e.g. These provide stable identifiers, but not the services needed to match existing bibliographic data to the corresponding DOI (as I discovered to my cost while working with IPNI).

However, now things get a little messy. From 2015 PDFs for Revue Suisse de Zoologie are being uploaded to Zenodo, and are getting DataCite DOIs there (e.g., doi:10.5281/zenodo.30012). This means that the most recent articles for this journal will not have CrossRef DOIs. From my perspective, this is a disappointing move. It removes the journal from the CrossRef ecosystem at a time when the uptake of CrossRef DOIs for taxonomic journals is at an all time high (both ZooKeys and Zootaxa have CrossRef DOIs), and now BHL is starting to issue CrossRef DOIs for the "legacy" literature (bear in mind that "legacy" in this context can mean articles published last year).

I've rehearsed the reasons why I think CrossRef DOIs are best elsewhere, but the keys points are that articles are much easier to discover (e.g., using, and are automatically first class citizens of the academic literature. However, not everybody buys these arguments.

Maybe a way forward is to treat the two types of DOI as identifying two different things. The CrossRef DOI identifies the article, not a particular representation. The Zenodo DOI (or any DataCite DOI) for a PDF identifies that representation (i.e., the PDF), not the article.

Having CrossRef and Zenodo  DataCite DOIs coexist

This would enable CrossRef and Zenod DOIs to coexist, providing we can (a) have some way of describing the relationship between the two kinds of DOI (e.g., CrossRef DOI - hasRepresentation -> Zenodo DOI).

This would give freedom to those who want the biodiversity literature to be part of the wider CrossRef community to mint CrossRef DOIs to do so. It gives those articles the benefits that come with CrossRef DOIs (findability, being included in lists of literature cited, citation statistics, customer support when DOIs break, altmetrics, etc.)

It would also enable those who want to ensure stable access to the contents of the biodiversity literature to use archives such as Zenodo, and have the benefits of those DOIs (stability, altmetrics, free file storage and free DOIs).

Having multiple DOIs for the same thing is, I'd argue, at the very least, unhelpful. But if we tease apart the notion of what we are identifying, maybe they can coexist. Otherwise I think we are in danger of making choices that, while they seem locally optimal (e.g., free storage and minting of DOIs), may in the long run cause problems and run counter to the goal of making the taxonomic literature has findable as the wider literature.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Possible project: natural language queries, or answering "how many species are there?"

Google Google knows how many species there are. More significantly, it knows what I mean when I type in "how many species are there". Wouldn't it be nice to be able to do this with biodiversity databases? For example, how many species of insect are found in Fiji? How would you answer this question? I guess you'd Google it, looking for a paper. Or you'd look in vain on GBIF, and then end up hacking some API queries to process data and come up with an estimate. Why can't we just ask?

On the face of it, natural language queries are hard, but there's been a lot of work down in this area. Furthermore, there's a nice connection with the idea of knowledge graphs. One approach to natural language parsing is to convert a natural language query to a path in a knowledge graph (or, if you're Facebook, the social graph). Facebook has some nice posts describing how their graph search works (e.g., Under the Hood: Building out the infrastructure for Graph Search), and there's a paper describing some of the infrastructure (e.g., "Unicorn: a system for searching the social graph" doi:10.14778/2536222.2536239, get the PDF here).

Natural language queries can seem potentially unbounded, in the sense that the user could type in anything. But there are ways to constrain this, and ways to anticipate what the user is after. For example, Google suggests what you may be after, which gives us clues as to the sort of questions we'd need answers for. It would be a fun exercise to use Google suggest to discover what questions people are asking about biodiversity, then determine what would it take to be able to answer them.

Suggest All very sensible questions that existing biodiversity databases would struggle to answer.

There's a nice presentation by Kenny Bastani where he tackles the problem of bounding the set of possible questions by first generating the questions for which he answers, then caching those so that the user can select from them (using, for example, a type-ahead interface).

Hence, we could generate species counts for all major and/or charismatic taxa for each country, habitat type (or other meaningful category), then generate the corresponding query (e.g., "how many species of birds are there in Fiji", where the yellow and cyan" terms are the things we replace for each query).

One reason this topic appeals is that it is intimiately linked to the idea of a biodiversity knowledge graph, in that answers to a number of questions in biodiversity can be framed as paths in that graph. Do, if we build the graph we should also be asking about ways to query it. In particular, how do we answer the most basic questions of the information we are aggregating in myriad databases.

Monday, September 07, 2015

Wikidata, Wikipedia, and #wikisci

Last week I attended the Wikipedia Science Conference (hashtag: #wikisci) at the Wellcome Trust in London. it was an interesting two days of talks and discussion. Below are a few random notes on topics that caught my eye.

What is Wikidata?

A recurring theme was the emergence of Wikidata, although it never really seemed clear what role Wikidata saw for itself. On the one hand, it seems to have a clear purpose:
Wikidata acts as central storage for the structured data of its Wikimedia sister projects including Wikipedia, Wikivoyage, Wikisource, and others.
At other times there was a sense that Wikidata wanted to take any and all data, which it doesn't really seemed geared up to do. The English language Wikipedia has nearly 5 million articles, but there are lots of scientific databases that dwarf that in size (we have at least that many taxonomic names, for example). So, when Dario Taraborelli suggests building a repository of all citations with Wikidata, does he really mean ALL citations in the academic literature? CrossRef alone has 75M DOIs, whereas Wikidata currently has 14.8M pages, so we are talking about greatly expanding the size of Wikidata with just one type of data.

The sense I get is that Wikidata will have an important role in (a) structuring data in Wikipedia, and (b) providing tools for people to map their data to the equivalent topics in Wikipedia. Both are very useful goals. What I find less obvious is whether (and if so, how) Wikidata aims to be a more global database of facts.

How do you Snapchat? You just Snapchat

As a relative outsider to the Wikipedia community, and having had a sometimes troubled experience with Wikipedia, it struck me that how opaque things are if your are an outsider. I suspect this is true of most communities, if you are a member then things seem obvious, if you're not, it takes time to find out how things are done. Wikipedia is a community with nobody in charge, which is a strength, but can also be frustrating. The answer to pretty much any question about how to add data to Wikidata, how to add data types, etc. was "ask the community". I'm reminded of the American complaint about the European Union "if you pick up the phone to call Europe, who do you call?". In order to engage you have to invest time in discovering the relevant part of the community, and then learn engage with it. This can be time consuming, and is a different approach to either having to satisfy the requirements of gatekeepers, or a decentralised approach where you can simply upload whatever you want.


It seems that everything is becoming a stream. Once the volume of activity reaches a certain point, people don't talk about downloading static datasets, but instead of consuming a stream of data (very like the Twitter firehose). The volume of Wikipedia edits means scissile scientists studying the growth of Wikipedia are now consuming streams. Geoffrey Bilder of CrossRef showed some interesting visualisations of real-time streams of DOIs being as users edited Wikipedia pages CrossRef DOI Events for Wikimedia, and Peter Murray-Rust of ContentMine seemed to imply that ContentMine is going to generate streams of facts (rather than, say, a query able database of facts). Once we get to the stage of having large, transient volumes of data, all sorts of issues about reanalysis and reproducibility arise.

CrossRef and evidence

One of the other strking visualisations that CrossRef have is the DOI Chronograph, which displays the numbers of CrossRef DOI resolutions by the domain of the hosting web site. In other words, if you are on a Wikipedia page and click on a DOI for an article, that's recorded as a DOI resolution from the domain "". For the period 1 October 2010 to 1 May 2015 Wikipedia was the source of 6.8 million clicks on DOIs, see One way to interpret this is that it's a measure of how many people are accessing the primary literature - the underlying evidence - for assertions made on Wikipedia pages. We can compare this with results for, say, biodiversity informatics projects. For example, EOL has 585(!) DOI clicks for the period 15 October 2010 to 30 April 2015. There are all sorts of reasons for the difference between these two sites, such as Wikipedia has vastly more traffic than EOL. But I think it also reflects the fact that many Wikipedia articles are richly referenced with citations to the primary literature, and projects like EOL are very poorly linked to that literature. Indeed, most biodiversity databases are divorced from the evidence behind the data they display.

Diversity and a revolution led by greybeards

"Diversity" is one of those words that has become politicised, and attempts to promote "diversity" can get awkward ("let's hear from the women", that homogeneous category of non-men). But the aspect of diversity that struck me was age-related. In discussions that involved fellow academics, invariably they looked a lot like me - old(ish), relatively well-established and secure in their jobs (or post-job). This is a revolution led not by the young, but by the greybeards. That's a worry. Perhaps it's a reflection of the pressures on young or early-stage scientists to get papers into high-impact factor journals, get grants, and generally play the existing game, whereas exploring new modes of publishing, output, impact, and engagement have real risks and few tangible rewards if you haven't yet established yourself in academia.

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 revisited: annotating articles in BioStor

YClX4 gV Over the weekend, out of the blue, Dan Whaley commented on an earlier blog post of mine (Altmetrics, Disqus, GBIF, JSTOR, and annotating biodiversity data. Dan is the project lead for, a tool to annotate web pages. I was a bit dismissive as falls into the "stick note" camp of annotation tools, which I've previously been critical of.

However, I decided to take another look at and it looks like a great fit to another annotation problem I have, namely augmenting and correcting OCR text in BioStor (and, by extension, BHL). For a subset of BioStor I've been able to add text to the page images, so you can select that text as you would on a web page or in a PDF with searchable text. If you can select text, you can annotate it using Then I discovered that not only is a Chrome extension (which immediately limits who will use it), you can add it to any web site that you publish. So, as an experiment I've added it to BioStor, so that people can comment on BioStor using any modern browser.

So far, so good, but the problem is I'm relying on the "crowd" to come along and manually annotate the text. But I have code that can take text and extract geographic localities (e.g., latitude and longitude pairs), specimen does, and taxonomic names. What I'd really like to do is be able pre-process the text, locate these features, then programmatically add those as annotations. Who wants to do this manually when a computer can do most of it?, it turns out, has an API that, while a bit *cough* skimpy on documentation, enables you to add annotations to text. So now I could pre-process the text, and just ask people to add things that have been missed, or flag errors on the automated annotations.

This is all still very preliminary, but as an example here's a screen shot of a page in BioStor together with geographic annotations displayed using (you can see this live here: (make sure you click on the widgets at the top right of the page to see the annotations):


The page shows two point localities that have been extracted from the text, together with a static Google Map showing the localities ( supports Markdown in annotations, which enables links and images to be embedded).

Not only can we write annotations, we can also read them, so if someone adds an annotation (e.g., highlights a specimen code that was missed, or some text that OCR has messed up) we could retrieve that and, for example, index the corrected text to improve findability.

Lots still to do, but these early experiments are very encouraging.

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Dark taxa, drones, and Dan Janzen: 6th International Barcode of Life Conference

6thBOL logo 300x237 A little over a week ago I was at the 6th International Barcode of Life Conference, held at Guelph, Canada. It was my first barcoding conference, and was quite an experience. Here are a few random thoughts.


It was striking how diverse the conference crowd was. Apart from a few ageing systematists (including veterans of the cladistics wars), most people were young(ish), and from all over the world. There clearly something about the simplicity and low barrier to entry of barcoding that has enabled its widespread adoption. This also helps give barcoding a cohesion, no matter what the taxonomic group or the problem you are tackling, you are doing much the same thing as everybody else (but see below). While ageing systematists (like myself) may hold their noses regarding the use of a single, short DNA sequence and a tree-building method some would dismiss as "phenetic", in many ways the conference was a celebration of global-scale phylogeography.

Standards aren't enough

And yet, standards aren't enough. I think what contributes to DNA barcoding's success is that sequences are computable. If you have a barcode, there's already a bunch of barcodes sequences you can compare yours to. As others add barcodes, your sequences will be included in subsequent analyses, analyses which may help resolve the identity of what you sequenced.

To put this another way, we have standard image file formats, such as JPEG. This means you can send me a bunch of files, safe in the knowledge that because JPEG is a standard I will be able to open those files. But this doesn't mean that I can do anything useful with them. In fact, it's pretty hard to do anything with images part from look at them. But if you send me a bunch of DNA sequences for the same region, I can build a tree, BLAST GenBank for similar sequences, etc. Standards aren't enough by themselves, to get the explosive growth that we see in barcodes the thing you standardise on needs to be easy to work with, and have a computational infrastructure in place.

Next generation sequencing and the hacker culture

Classical DNA barcoding for animals uses a single, short mtDNA marker that people were sequencing a couple of decades ago. Technology has moved on, such that we're seeing papers such as An emergent science on the brink of irrelevance: a review of the past 8 years of DNA barcoding. As I've argued earlier (Is DNA barcoding dead?) this misses the point about the power of standardisation on a simple, scalable method.

At the same time, it was striking to see the diversity of sequencing methods being used in conference presentations. Barcoding is a broad church, and it seemed like it was a natural home for people interested in environmental DNA. There was excitement about technologies such as the Oxford Nanopore MinION™, with people eager to share tips and techniques. There's something of a hacker culture around sequencing (see also Biohackers gear up for genome editing), just as there is for computer hardware and software.


The final session of the conference started with some community bonding, complete with Paul Hebert versus Quentin Wheeler wielding light sables. If, like me, you weren't a barcode, things started getting a little cult-like. But there's no doubt that Paul's achievement in promoting a simple approach to identifying organisms, and then translating that into a multi-million dollar, international endeavour is quite extraordinary.

After the community bonding, came a wonderful talk by Dan Janzen. The room was transfixed as Dan made the case for conservation, based on his own life experiences, including Area de Conservación Guanacaste where he and Winnie Hallwachs have been involved since the 1970s. I sat next to Dan at a dinner after the conference, and showed him iNaturalist, a great tool for documenting biodiversity with your phone. He was intrigued, and once we found pictures taken near his house in Costa Rica, he was able to identify the individual animals in the photos, such as a bird that has since been eaten by a snake.

Dark taxa

My own contribution to the conference was a riff on the notion of dark taxa, and mostly consisted of me trying think through how to respond to DNA barcoding. The three responses to barcoding that I came up with are:
  1. By comparison to barcoding, classical taxonomy is digitally almost invisible, with great chunks of the literature still not scanned or accessible. So, one response is to try and get the core data of taxonomy digitised and linked as fast as possible. This is why I built BioStor and BioNames, and why I continually rant about the state of efforts to digitise taxonomy.
  2. This is essentially President Obama's "bucket" approach, maybe the sane thing to do is see barcoding as the future and envisage what we could do in a sequence only world. This is not to argue that we should ignore the taxonomic literature as such, but rather lets start with sequences first and see what we can do. This is the motivation for my Displaying a million DNA barcodes on Google Maps using CouchDB, and my experiments with Visualising Geophylogenies in Web Maps Using GeoJSON. These barely scratch the surface of what can be done.
  3. The third approach is to explore how we integrate taxonomy and barcoding at global scale, in which case linking at specimen level (rather, than, say using taxonomic names) seems promising, albeit requiring a massive effort to reconcile multiple specimen identifiers.


Yes, the barcoding conference was that rare thing, a well organised (including well-fed), interesting, indeed eye-opening, conference.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Possible project: NameStream - a stream of new taxonomic names

Yet another barely thought out project, although this one has some crude code. If some 16,000 new taxonomic names are published each year, then that is roughly 40 per day. We don't have a single place that aggregates these, so any major biodiversity projects is by definition out of date. GBIF itself hasn't had an update list of fungi or plant names for several years, and at present doesn't have an up to date list of animal names. You just have to follow the Twitter feeds of ZooKeys and Zootaxa to feel swamped in new names.

And yet, most nomenclators are pumping out RSS feeds of new names, or have APIs that support time-based queries (i.e., send me the names added in the last month). Won't it be great to have a single aggregator that took these "name streams", augmented them by adding links to the literature (it could, for example, harvest RSS feeds and Twitter streams of the relevant journals), and provided the biodiversity community with a feed of new names and associated supporting information. We could watch new discoveries of new biodiversity unfold in near real time, as well as provide a stream of data for projects such as GBIF and others to ingest and keep their databases up to date.

Possible project: A PubMed Central for taxonomy

F93f2e30d1cca847800e6f3060b8101a I need more time to sketch this out fully, but I think a case can be made for a taxonomy-centric (or, perhaps more usefully, a biodiversity-centric) clone of PubMed Central.

Why? We already have PubMed Central, and a European version Europe PubMed Central, and the content of Open Access journals such as ZooKeys appears in both, so, again, why?

Here are some reasons:

  1. PubMed Central has pioneered the use of XML to archive and publish scientific articles, specifically JATS XML. But the biodiversity literature comes in all sorts of formats, including several flavours of XML (such as SciElo XML, XML from OCR literature such as DjVu, ABBYY, and TEI, etc.)
  2. While Europe PMC is doing nice things with ORCIDs and entity extraction, it doesn't deal with the kinds of entities prevalent in the taxonomic literature (such as geographic localities, specimen codes, micro citations, etc.). Nor does it deal with extracting the core scientific statements that a taxonomic paper makes.
  3. Given that much of the taxonomic literature will be derived from OCR we need mechanisms to be able to edit and fix OCR errors, as well as markup errors in more recent XML-native documents. For example, we could envisage having XML stored on GitHub and open to editing.
  4. We need to embed taxonomic literature in our major biodiversity databases, rather than have it consigned to ghettos of individual small-scale digitisation project, or swamped by biomedical literature whose funding and goals may not align well with the biodiversity community (Europe PMC is funded primary by medical bodies).
I hope to flesh this out a bit more later on, but I think it's time we started treating the taxonomic literature as a core resource that we, as a community, are responsible for. The NIH did this with biomedical research, shouldn't we be doing the same for biodiversity?

Monday, August 10, 2015

Demo of full-text indexing of BHL using CouchDB hosted by Cloudant

One of the limitations of the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is that, unlike say Google Books, its search functions are limited to searching metadata (e.g., book and article titles) and taxonomic names. It doesn't support full-text search, by which I mean you can't just type in the name of a locality, specimen code, or a phrase and expect to get back much in the way of results. In fact, in many cases when I Google a phrase that occurs in BHL content I'm more likely to find that phrase in content from the Internet Archive, and then it's a matter of following the links to the equivalent item in BHL.

So, as an experiment I've created a live demo of what full-text search in BHL could look like. I've done this using the same infrastructure the new BioStor is built on, namely CouchDB hosted by Cloudant. Using BHL's API I've grabbed some volumes of the British Ornithological Club's Bulletin and put them into CouchDB (BHL's API serves up JSON, so this is pretty straightforward to do). I've added the OCR text for each page, and asked Cloudant to index that. This means that we can now search on a phrase in BHL (in the British Ornithological Club's Bulletin) and get a result.

I've made a quick and dirty demo of this approach and you can see it in the "Labs" section on BioStor, so you can try it here. You should see something like this:

Bhl couchdb The page image only appears if you click on the blue labels for the page. None of this is robust or optimised, but it is a workable proof-of-concept of how fill-text search could work.

What could we do with this? Well, all sorts of searches are no possible. We can search for museum specimen codes, such as 1900.2.27.13. This specimen is in GBIF (see so we could imagine starting to link specimens to the scientific literature about that specimen. We can also search for locations (such as Mt. Albert Edward), or common names (such as crocodile).

Note that I've not completed uploading all the page text and XML. Once I do I'll have a better idea of how scalable this approach is. But the idea of having full-text search across all of BHL (or, at least the core taxonomic journals) is tantalising.

Technical details

Initially I simply displayed a list of the pages that matched the search term, together with a fragment of text with the search term highlighted. Cloudant's version of CouchDB provides these highlights, and a "group_field" that enabled me to group together pages from the same BHL "item" (roughly corresponding to a volume of a journal).

This was a nice start, but I really wanted to display the hits on the actual BHL page. To do this I grabbed the DjVu XML for each BHL page for British Ornithological Club's Bulletin, and used a XSLT style-sheet that renders the OCR text on top of the page image. You can't see the text because it I set the colour of the text to "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" (see and set the "overflow" style to "hidden". But the text is there, which means you can select with the mouse and copy and paste it. This still leaves the problem of highlighting the text that matches the search term. I originally wrote the code for this to handle species names, which comprise two words. So, each DIV in the HTML has a "data-one-word" and "data-two-words" attribute set, which contains the first (and forst plus second) word in the search term, respectively. I then use a JQuery selector to set the CSS of each DIV that has a "data-one-word" or "data-two-words" attribute that matches the search term(s). Obviously, this is terribly crude, and doesn't do well if you've more than two word sin your search query.

As an added feature, I use CSS to convert the BHL page scan to a black-and-white image (works in Webkit-based browsers).

Possible project: mapping authors to Wikipedia entries using lists of published works

220px Boulenger George 1858 1937One of the less glamorous but necessary tasks of data cleaning is mapping "strings to things", that is, taking strings such as "George A. Boulenger" and mapping them to identifiers, such as ISNI: 0000 0001 0888 841X. In case of authors such as George Boulenger, one way to do this would be through Wikipedia, which has entries for many scientists, often linked to identifiers for those people (see the bottom of the Wikipedia page for George A. Boulenger and look at the "Authority Control" section).

How could we make these mappings? Simple string matching is one approach, but it seems to me that a more robust approach could use bibliographic data. For example, if I search for George A. Boulenger in BioStor, I get lots of publications. If at least some of these were listed on the Wikipedia page for this person, together with links back to BioStor (or some other external identifier, such as DOIs), then we could do the following:

  1. Search Wikipedia for names that matched the author name of interest
  2. If one or more matches are found, grab the text of the Wikipedia pages, extract any literature cited (e.g., in the {cite} tag), get the bibliographic identifiers, and see if they match any in our search results.
  3. If we get one or more hits, then it's likely that the Wikipedia page is about the author of the papers we are looking at, and so we link to it.
  4. Once we have a link to Wikipedia, extract any external identifier for that person, such as ISNI or ORCID.
For this to work, it requires that the Wikipedia page cites works by the author in a way that we can harvest, and uses identifiers that we can match to those in the relevant database (e.g., BioStor, Crossef, etc.). We might also have to look at Wikipedia pages in multiple languages, given that English-language Wikipedia may be lacking information on scholars from non-English speaking countries (this will be a significant issue for many early taxonomists).

Based on my limited browsing of Wikipedia, there seems to be little standardisation of entries for people, certainly little in how their published works are listed (the section heading, format, how many, etc.). The project I'm proposing would benefit from a consistent set of guidelines for how to include a scholar's output.

What makes this project potentially useful is that it could help flesh out Wikipedia pages by encouraging people to add lists of published works, it could aid bibliographic repositories like my own BioStor by increasing the number of links they get from Wikipedia, and if the Wikipedia page includes external identifiers then it helps us go from strings to things by giving us a way to locate globally unique identifiers for people.

Sunday, August 09, 2015

More Neo4J tests of GBIF taxonomy: Using IPNI to find objective synonyms

Following on from Testing the GBIF taxonomy with the graph database Neo4J I've added a more complex test that relies on linking taxa to names. In this case I've picked some legume genera (Coursetia and Poissonia) where there have been frequent changes of name. By mapping the GBIF taxa to IPNI names (and associated LSIDs) we can build a graph linking taxa to names, and then to objective synonyms (by resolving the IPNI LSIDs and following the links to the basionym), see

In this example we find species that occur twice in the GBIF taxonomy, which logically should not happen as the names are objective synonyms. We can detect these problems if we have access to nomenclatural data. in this case, because IPNI has tracked the names changes, we can infer that, say, Coursetia heterantha and Poissonia heterantha are synonyms, and hence only one of these should appear in the GBIF classification. This is an example that illustrates the desirability of separating names and taxa, see Modelling taxonomic names in databases.

Possible project: #itaxonomist, combining taxonomic names, DOIs, and ORCID to measure taxonomic impact

E9815d877cd092a19918df74e04f0415Imagine a web site where researchers can go, log in (easily) and get a list of all the species they have described (with pretty pictures and, say, GBIF map), and a list of all DNA sequences/barcodes (if any) that they've published. Imagine that this is displayed in a colourful way (e.g., badges), and the results tweeted with the hastag #itaxonomist.

Imagine that you are not a taxonomist, but if you have worked with one (e.g., published a paper), you can go to the site, log in, and discover that you “know” a taxonomist. Imagine if you are a researcher who has cited taxonomic work, you can log in and discover that your work depends on a taxonomist (think six degrees of Kevin Bacon).

Imagine that this is run as a campaign (hashtag #itaxonomist), with regular announcements leading up to the release date. Imagine if #itaxonomist trends. Imagine the publicity for the work taxonomists do, and the new found ability for them to quantitatively demonstrate this.

How does it work?

#itaxonomist relies on three things:

  1. People having an ORCID
  2. People having publications with DOIs (or otherwise easily identifiable) in their ORCID profile
  3. A map between DOIs (etc.) and the names in the nomenclators (ION, IPNI, Index Fungorum, ZooBank)


Under the hood this builds part of the “biodiversity knowledge graph”, and uses ideas I and others have been playing around with (e.g., see David Shorthouse’s neat proof of concept and my now defunct Mendeley project

For a subset of people and names this we could build this very quickly. Some some taxonomists already have ORCIDs , and some nomenclators have limited numbers of DOIs. I am currently building lists of DOIs for primary taxonomic literature, which could be used to seed the database.

The “i am a taxonomist” query is simply a map between ORCID to DOI to name in nomenclator. The “i know a taxonomist” is a map between ORCID and DOI that you share with a taxonomist, but there are no names associated with that DOI (e.g., a paper you have co-authored with a taxonomist that wasn’t on taxonomy, or at least didn’t describe a new species). The “six degrees of taxonomy” relies on the existence of open citation data, which is trickier, but some is available in PubMed Central and/or could be harvested from Pensoft publications.

Friday, August 07, 2015

Testing the GBIF taxonomy with the graph database Neo4J


I've been playing with the graph database Neo4J to investigate aspects of the classification of taxa in GBIF's backbone classification. Neo4J is a graph database, and a number of people in biodiversity informatics have been playing with it. Nicky Nicolson at Kew has a nice presentation using graph databases to handle names Building a names backbone, and the Open Tree of Life project use it in their tree machine.

One of the striking things about Neo4J is how much effort has gone in to making it easy to play with. In particular, you can create GraphGists, which are simple text documents that are transformed into interactive graphs that you can query. This is fun, and I think it's also a great lesson in how to publicise a technology (compare this with RDF and SPARQL, which is in no way fun to work with).

I created some GraphGists that explore various problems with the current GBIF taxonomy. The goal is to find ways to quickly test the classifications for logical errors, and wherever possible I want to use just the information in the GBIF classification itself.

The first example is a version of the "papaya plots" that I played with in an earlier post (see also an unfinished manuscript Taxonomy as impediment: synonymy and its impact on the Global Biodiversity Information Facility's database). For various reasons, GBIF has ended up with the same species occuring more that once in its backbone classification, usually because none of its source databases has enough information on synonymy to prevent this happening.

As an example, I've grabbed the classification for the bat family Molossidae, converted it to a Neo4J graph, and then tested for the existence of species in different genera that have the same specific epithet. This is a useful (but not foolproof test) of whether there are undetected synonyms, especially if the generic placement of a set of species has been in flux (this is certainly true for these bats). If you visit the gist you will see a list of species that are potential synonyms.

A related test catches cases where one classification treats a taxon as a subspecies whereas another treats it as a full species, and GBIF has ended up with both interpretations in the same classification (e.g., the butterfly species Heliopyrgus margarita and the subspecies Heliopyrgus domicella margarita).

Another GraphGist tests that the genus name for a species matches the genus it is assigned too. This seems obvious (the species Homo sapiens belongs in the genus Homo) but there are cases where GBIF's classification fails this test, such as the genus Forsterinaria. Typically this test fails due to problematic generic names (e.g., homonyms), incorrect spellings, etc.

The last test is slightly more pedantic, but revealing nevertheless. It relies on the convention in zoology that when you write the authorship of a species name, if the name is not in the original genus then you enclose the authorship in parentheses. For example, it's Homo sapiens Linnaeus, but Homo erectus (Dubois, 1894) because Dubois originally called this species Pithecanthropus erectus.

Because you can only move a species to a genus that has been named, it follows that if a species is described before the genus name was published, then if the species is in that newer genus the authorship must be in parentheses. For example, the lepidopteran genus Heliopyrgus was published in 1957, and includes the species willi Plötz, 1884. Since this species was described before 1957, it must have been originally placed in a different genus, and so the species name should be Heliopyrgus willi (Plötz, 1884). However, GBIF has this as Heliopyrgus willi Plötz, 1884 (no parentheses). The GraphGist tests for this, and finds several species of Heliopyrgus that are incorrectly formed. This may seem pendantic, but it has practical consequences. Anyone searching for the original description of Heliopyrgus willi Plötz, 1884 might think that they should be looking for the text string "Heliopyrgus willi" in literature from 1884, but the name didn't exist then and so the search will be fruitless.

I think there's a lot of scope for deveoping tests like these, inclusing some that m make use of external data as well. In an earlier post (A use case for RDF in taxonomy ) I mused about using RDF to perform tests like this. However Neo4J is so much easier to work with I suspect that it makes better sense to develop standard queries in it's query language (CYPHER) and use those.

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Possible project: extract taxonomic classification from tags (folksonomy)

Note to self about a possible project. This PLoS ONE paper:

Tibély, G., Pollner, P., Vicsek, T., & Palla, G. (2013, December 31). Extracting Tag Hierarchies. (P. Csermely, Ed.)PLoS ONE. Public Library of Science (PLoS).
describes a method for inferring a hierarchy from a set of tags (and cites related work that is of interest). I've grabbed the code and data from and put it on GitHub.

Possible project

Use Tibély et al. method (or others) on taxonomic names extracted from BHL text (or other) and see if we can reconstruct taxonomic classifications. ow do classifications compare to those in databases? Can we enhance existing databases using this technique (e.g., extract classifications from literature for groups pporly represented in existing databases)? Could be part of larger study of what we can learn from co-occurrence of taxonomic names, e.g. Automatically extracting possible taxonomic synonyms from the literature.

Note to anyone reading this: if this project sounds interesting, by all means feel free to do it. These are just notes about things that I think would be fun/interesting/useful to do.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Towards a new BioStor

One of my pet projects is BioStor, which has been running since 2009 (gulp). BioStor extracts articles from the Biodiversity Heritage Library (details here:, and currently has over 110,000 articles, all open access. The site itself is showing its age, both in terms of performance and design, so I've wanted to update it for a while now. I made a demo in 2012 of BioStor in the Cloud, but other stuff got in the way of finishing it, and the service that it ran on (Pagodabox) released a new version of their toolkit, so BioStor in the Cloud died.

At last I've found the time to tackle this again, motivated in part because I've had to move BioStor to a new server, and it's performance has been pretty poor. The next version of BioStor is currently sitting at (the images and map views are good ways to enter the site). It's still being populated, and there is code to tweak, but it's starting to look good enough to use. It has a cleaner article display, built in search (making things much more findable), support for citation styles using citeproc-js, and display of altmetrics (e.g., Another variation on the gymnure theme: description of a new species of Hylomys (Lipotyphla, Erinaceidae, Galericinae).

Once all the data has been moved across and I've cleaned up a few things I plan to make point to this new version.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Modelling taxonomic names in databases

Quick notes on modelling taxonomic names in databases, as part of an ongoing discussion elsewhere about this topic.

Simple model

One model that is widely used (e.g., ITIS, WoRMS) and which is explicit in Darwin Core Archive is something like this:


We have a table for taxa and we don't distinguish between taxa and their names. the taxonomic hierarchy is represented by the parentID field, which points to your parent. If you don't have a (non NULL) value for parentID you are not an accepted taxon (i.e., you are a synonym), and the field acceptedID points to the accepted taxon. Simple, fits in a single database table (or, let's be honest, and Excel spreadsheet).

The tradeoff is that you conflate names and taxa, you can't easily describe name-only relationships (e.g., homonyms, nomenclatural synonyms) without inventing "taxa" for each name.

Separating names and taxa

The next model, which I've drawn rather clunky below as if you were doing this in a relational database, is based on the TDWG LSID vocabularies. One day someone will explain why the biodiversity informatics community basically ignored this work, despite the fact that all the key nomenclators use it.


In this model we separate out names as first-class objects with globally unique identifiers. The taxa table refers to the names table when it mentions a name. Any relationships between names are handled separately from taxa, so we can easily handle things like replacement names for homonyms, basionyms, etc. Not that we can also remove a lot of extraneous stuff from the taxa table. For example, if we decide that Poissonia heterantha is the accepted name for a taxon, we don't need to create taxa for Coursetia heterantha or Tephrosia heterantha, because by definition those names are synonyms of Poissonia heterantha.

The other great advantage of this model is that it enables us to take the work the nomenclators have done straight without having to first shoe-horn it into the Darwin Core format, which assumes that everything is a taxon.

Monday, July 27, 2015

The Biodiversity Data Journal is not machine readable

626ce1b38c2b42f77802e4e8c597820e 400x400In my (previous post ) I discussed the potential for the Biodiversity Data Journal (BDJ) to be a venue for nano (or near-nano publications). In this post I want to draw attention to what I think is a serious stumbling block, which is the lack of machine readable statements in the journal.

Given that the journal is probably the most progressive in the field (indeed, is suspect that there are few journals in any field as advanced in publishing technology as BDJ) this may seem an odd claim to make. The journal provides XML of its text, and typically provides data in Darwin Core Archive format, which is harvested by GBIF. The article XML is marked up to flag taxonomic names, localities, etc. Surely this is the very definition of machine readable?

The problem becomes apparent when you ask "what claims or assertions are the papers making?", and "how are those assertions reflected in the article XML and/or the Darwin Core Archive?".

For example, consider the following paper:

Gil-Santana, H., & Forero, D. (2015, June 16). Aristathlus imperatorius Bergroth, a newly recognized synonym of Reduvius iopterus Perty, with the new combination Aristathlus iopterus (Perty, 1834) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Harpactorinae) ​. BDJ. Pensoft Publishers.

The title gives the key findings of this paper: Aristathlus imperatorius = Reduvius iopterus, and Reduvius iopterus = Aristathlus iopterus. Yet these statements are no where to be found in the Darwin Core Archive for the paper, which simply lists the name Aristathlus iopterus. The XML markup flags terms as names, but says nothing about the relationships between the names.

Here is another example:

Starkevich, P., & Podenas, S. (2014, December 30). New synonym of Tipula (Vestiplex) wahlgrenana Alexander, 1968 (Diptera: Tipulidae). BDJ. Pensoft Publishers.
Indeed, I've yet to find an example of a paper in BDJ where a synonomy asserted in the text is reflected in the Dawrin Core Archive!

The issue here is that neither the XML markup nor the associated data files are capturing the semantics of the paper, in the sense of what the paper is actually saying. The XML and DwCA files capture (some) of the names, and localities mentioned, but not the (arguably) most crucial new pieces of information.

There is a disconnect between what the papers are saying (which a human reader can easily parse) and what the machine-readable files are saying, and this is worrying. Surely we should be ensuring that the Darwin Core Archives and/or XML markup are capturing the key facts and/or assertions made by the paper? Otherwise databases down stream will remain none the wiser about the new information the journal is publishing.

Nanopublications and annotation: a role for the Biodiversity Data Journal?

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I stumbled across this intriguing paper:

Do, L., & Mobley, W. (2015, July 17). Single Figure Publications: Towards a novel alternative format for scholarly communication. F1000Research. F1000 Research, Ltd.
The authors are arguing that there is scope for a unit of publication between a full-blown journal article (often not machine readable, but readable) and the nanopublication (a single, machine readable statement, not intended for people to read), namely the Single Figure Publications (SFP):

The SFP, consisting of a figure, the legend, the Material and Methods section, and an optional Results/Discussion section, reduces the unit of publication to a more tractable size. Importantly, it results in a markedly decreased time from data generation to publication. As such, SFPs represent a new means by which to communicate scientific research. As with the traditional journal article, the content of the SFPs is readily understandable by the scientist. Coupled with additional tools that aid in structuring content (e.g. describing in detail the methods using pre-defined steps from protocols), the SFP represents a “bottom-up” means by which scholars can structure the content of their findings in a modular and piece-wise fashion wedded to everyday laboratory life.
It seems to me that this is something that the Biodiversity Data Journal is potentially heading towards. Some of the papers in that journal are short, reporting say, new occurence records for a single species e.g.:

Ang, Y., Rohner, P., & Meier, R. (2015, June 26). Across the Baltic: a new record for an enigmatic black scavenger fly, Zuskamira inexpectata (Pont, 1987) (Sepsidae) in Finland. BDJ. Pensoft Publishers.

Imagine if we have even shorter papers that are essentially a series of statements of fact, or assertions (linked to supporting evidence). These could potentially be papers that annotated and/or clarified data in an external database, such as GBIF. For example, let's imagine we find two names in GBIF that GBIF treats as being different taxa, but a recent publication asserts are actually synonyms. We could make that information machine readable (say, using Darwin Core Archive format), link it to the source(s) of the assertion (i.e., the DOI of the paper making the synonymy), then publish that as a paper. As the Darwin Core Archive is harvested by GBIF, GBIF then has access to that information, and when the next taxonomic indexing occurs it can make use of that information.

One reason for having these "micropublications" is that sometimes resolving an issue in a dataset can take some time. I've often found errors in databases and have ended up spending a couple of hours finding names, literature, etc. to figure out what is going on. As fun as that is, in a sense it's effort that is wasted if it's not made more widely available. But if I can wrap that couple of hours scholarship into a citable unit, publish it, and have it harvested and incorporated into, say, GBIF, then the whole exercise seems much more rewarding. I get credit for the work, and GBIF users get (hopefully) a tiny bit of improvement, and they can see the provenance of that improvement (i.e., it is evidence-based).

This seems like a simple mechanism for providing incentives for annotating databases. In some ways the Biodiversity Database Journal could be though of as doing this already, however as I'll discuss in the next blog post, there's an issue that is preventing it being as useful as it could be.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Purposeful Games and the Biodiversity Heritage Library


These are some quick thoughts on the games on the BHL site, part of the Purposeful Gaming and BHL Project. As mentioned on Twitter, I had a quick play of the Beanstalk game and got bored pretty quickly. I should stress that I'm not a gamer (although my family includes at least one very serious gamer, and a lot of casual players). Personally, if I'm going to spend a large amount of time with a computer I want to be creating something, so gaming seems like a big time sink. Hence, I may not be the best person to review the BHL games. Anyhow...

It seems to me that there are a couple of ways games like this might work:

  1. You want to complete the game so you can do something you really want to do. This is the essence of solving CAPTCHAs, I'll solve your stupid puzzle so that I can buy my tickets.
  2. The game itself is engaging, and what you are asked to do is a natural part of the game's world. When you swipe candy, bits of candy may explode, or fall down (this is a good thing, apparently), or when you pull back a slingshot and release the bird, you get to break stuff).

The BHL games are trying to get you to do one activity (type in the text shown in a fragment of a BHL book) and this means, say, a tree grows bigger. To me this feels like a huge disconnect (cf. point 2 above), there is no connection between what I'm doing and the outcome.

Worse, BHL is an amazing corpus of text and images, and this is almost entirely hidden from me. If I see a cool looking word, or some old typeface, there's no way for me to dig deeper (what text did that come from?, what does that phrase mean?). I get no sense of where the words come from, or whether I'm doing anything actually useful. For things like ReCAPTCHA (where you helped OCR books) this doesn't matter because I don't care about the books, I want my tickets. But for BHL I do care (and BHL should want at least some of the players to care as well).

So, remembering that I'm not a gamer, here are some quick ideas for games.

Find that species

One reason BHL is so useful is it contains original taxonomic descriptions. Sometimes the OCR is too poor for the name to extracted from the description. Imagine a game where the player has a list of species (with cute pictures) and is told to go find them in the text. Imagine that we have a pretty good idea where they are (from bibliographic data we could, for example, know the page the name should occur on), the player hunts for the word on the page, and when they find it and mark it. BHL then gets corrected text and confirmation that the name occurs on that page. Players could select taxa (e.g., birds, turtles, mosses) that they like.

Find lat/longs

BHL text is full of lat/long pairs, often the OCR is not quite good enough to extract them. Imagine that we can process BHL to find things that look like lat/long pairs. Imsgine that we can read enough of the text to get a sense of where in the world the text refers to. Now, have a game where we pick a spot on a map and find things related to that spot. Say we get presented with OCR text that may refer to that locality, we fix it, and the map starts get populated. A bit like Yelp and Four Square, we could imagine badges for the most articles found about a place.

Find the letter/font

There are lots of cool symbols and fonts in BHL, someone might be interested collecting these. Simple things might be diphthongs such as æ. Older BHL texts are full of these, often misinterpreted. Other examples are male and female symbols. Perhaps we could have a game where we try and guess what symbol the OCR text actually matches - in other words, show the OCR text first, player tries to guess actual symbol, then the image appears, and then player types in actual symbol. Goal is to get good at predicting OCR errors.

Games like this would really benefit if the player could see (say, on the side) the complete text. Imagine that you correct a word, then you see it comes from a gorgeous plate of a bird. Imagine you could then correct any of the there words on that page.

Word eaters

Imagine the layer is presented with a page with text and, a bit like Minecraft's monsters, things appear which start to "eat" the words. You need to check as many words as possible before the text is eaten. Perhaps structure things in such a way that checked words form a barrier to the word-eating creatures and buy you some time, or like Minecraft, fixing a bad OCR word blasts a radius free of the word eaters. As an option (again, like Minecraft) turn off the eaters and just correct the words at your leisure.


Based on the UK game show, present a set of random letters (as images), player makes longest word they can, then check against dictionary, this tells you what letters they think the images represent.

Falling words

Have page fragments fall from the top of the screen, and have a key word displayed (say, "sternum", or enable player to type a word in) then display images of words whose OCR text resembles this (in other words, have a bunch of OCR text indexed using methods that allow for errors). As the word images fall, the player taps on an image that matches the word and they are collected. Maybe add features such as a timeline to show when the word was used (i.e., the date of the BHL text), give the meaning of the word, lightly chide players who enter words like "f**k" (that'd be me), etc.


Like comedy, I imagine that designing games is really, really hard. But the best games I've seen create a world that the player is immersed in and which makes sense within the rules of that world. Regardless of whether these ideas are any good, my concern is that the BHL games seem completely divorced from context, and the game play bears no relation to outcomes in the game.