Friday, December 07, 2012

Elsevier articles have interactive phylogenies

Elsevier treeSay what you will about Elsevier, they are certainly exploring ways to re-imagine the scientific article. In a comment on an earlier post Fabian Schreiber pointed out that Elsevier have released an app to display phylogenies in articles they publish. The app is based on jsPhyloSVGand is described here. You can see live examples in these articles:

Matos-Maraví, P. F., Peña, C., Willmott, K. R., Freitas, A. V. L., & Wahlberg, N. (2013). Systematics and evolutionary history of butterflies in the “Taygetis clade” (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae: Euptychiina): Towards a better understanding of Neotropical biogeography. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 66(1), 54–68. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2012.09.005
Poćwierz-Kotus, A., Burzyński, A., & Wenne, R. (2010). Identification of a Tc1-like transposon integration site in the genome of the flounder (Platichthys flesus): A novel use of an inverse PCR method. Marine Genomics, 3(1), 45–50. doi:10.1016/j.margen.2010.03.001

Thursday, December 06, 2012

NEXUS parser and tree viewer in Javascript

Following on from the SVG experiments I've started to put some of the Javascript code for displaying phylogenies on Github. Not a repository yet, but as gists, little snippets of code. Mike Bostock has created which makes it possible to host gists as working examples, so you can play with the code "live".

The first gist takes a Newick tree, parses it and displays a tree. You can try it at

The second gist takes a basic NEXUS file containing a TREES block and displays a tree (try it at ). You can grab examples NEXUS tree files from TreeBASE such as tree Tr57874.

NexusWhy am I doing this?
Apart from "because it's fun" there are two reasons. The first is that I want a simple way to display phylogenetic trees in web pages, and doing this entirely in the web browser (Javascript parses the tree and renders it in SVG) saves me having to code this on my server. Being able to do this in the browser opens up the opportunity to embed tree descriptions in HTML, for example, and have the browser render the tree. This means the same web page can have machine-readable data (the tree description) but also generate a nice tree for the reader. As an aside, it also shows that TreeBASE could display perfectly good, interactive trees without resorting to a Java appelet.

The other reason is that the web seems to be moving to Javascript as the default language, and JSON as the standard data format. Instead of large chunks of "middleware" (written in a scripting language such as Perl, PHP, or, gack, Java) which is responsible for talking to databases on the server and sending static HTML to the web browser, we now have browsers that can support sophisticated, interactive interfaces built using HTML and Javascript. On the server side we have databases that speak HTTP (essentially removing the need for middleware), store JSON, and use Javascript as their programming language (e.g., CouchDB). In short, it's Javascript, Javascript, everywhere.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

The Tree of Life

The following poem by David Maddison was published in Systematic Biology (doi:10.1093/sysbio/sys057) under a CC-BY-NC license.

I think that I shall never see
A thing so awesome as the Tree
That links us all in paths of genes
Down into depths of time unseen;

Whose many branches spreading wide
House wondrous creatures of the tide,
Ocean deep and mountain tall,
Darkened cave and waterfall.

Among the branches we may find
Creatures there of every kind,
From microbe small to redwood vast,
From fungus slow to cheetah fast.

As glaciers move, strikes asteroid
A branch may vanish in the void:
At Permian's end and Tertiary's door,
The Tree was shaken to its core.

The leaves that fall are trapped in time
Beneath cold sheets of sand and lime;
But new leaves sprout as mountains rise,
Breathing life anew 'neath future skies.

On one branch the leaves burst forth:
A jointed limb of firework growth.
With inordinate fondness for splitting lines,
Armored beetles formed myriad kinds.

Wandering there among the leaves,
In awe of variants Time conceived,
We ponder the shape of branching fates,
And elusive origins of their traits.

Three billion years the Tree has grown
From replicators' first seed sown
To branches rich with progeny:
The wonder of phylogeny.

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Viewing phylogenies on the web: Javascript conversion of Newick tree to SVG

Quick test of an idea I'm playing with. By embedding a Newick-format tree description in HTML and adding some Javascript I can go from this:
<div class="newick" data-drawing-type="circlephylogram">((((((((219923430:0.046474,219923429:0.009145):0.037428,219923426:0.038397):0.015434,(219923419:0.022612,219923420:0.015561):0.050529):0.004828,(207366059:0.020922,207366058:0.016958):0.038734):0.003901,219923422:0.072942):0.005414,((219923443:0.038239,219923444:0.025617):0.037592,(219923423:0.056081,219923421:0.055808):0.003788):0.009743):0.001299,(219923469:0.072965,125629132:0.044638):0.012516):0.011647,(((((219923464:0.069894,((((((125628927:0.021470,219923456:0.021406):0.003083,219923455:0.021625):0.029147,219923428:0.042785):0.001234,225685777:0.037478):0.016027,((((56549933:0.003265,219923453:-0.000859):0.015462,150371743:0.009558):0.004969,219923452:0.014401):0.024398,((((((150371732:0.001735,((150371733:0,150371736:0):6.195e-05,150371735:-6.195e-05):7.410e-05):0.000580,150371734:0.001196):0.000767,(150371737:0.001274,(150371738:0,150371740:0):0.000551):0.000498):0.000905,70608555:0.003205):0.004807,150371741:0.010751):8.979e-05,150371739:0.006647):0.022090):0.012809):0.011838,219923427:0.057366):0.009364):0.004238,((219923450:0.022699,125628925:0.012519):0.048088,219923466:0.046514):0.003608):0.007025,((56549930:0.067920,219923440:0.059754):0.002384,((219923438:0.044329,219923439:0.038470):0.014514,(219923442:0.038021,(((207366060:0,207366061:0):0.001859,125628920:0.001806):0.024716,((((125628921:0.005610,207366057:0.003531):0.001354,(207366055:0.003311,207366056:0.002174):0.003225):0.011836,207366062:0.019303):0.003741,((((((207366047:0,207366048:0):0,207366049:0):0.001563,207366050:0.000272):0.002214,(207366051:0.000818,125628919:0.001017):0.000675):0.003916,207366054:0.007924):0.004138,((219923441:0.000975,207366052:-0.000975):0.000494,207366053:-0.000494):0.012373):0.010040):0.003349):0.017594):0.011029):-0.003134):0.011235):0.004149,((((219923435:0.064354,219923424:0.067340):0.002972,219923454:0.045087):0.002092,((219923460:0.027282,219923465:0.025756):0.031269,(219923462:0.017555,219923425:-0.009591):0.047358):0.006198):0.004242,(((219923463:0.031885,(219923459:0.000452,219923458:-0.000452):0.029292):0.005200,225685776:0.024691):0.020131,219923461:0.042563):0.004673):0.009128):0.001452,((56549934:0.088142,56549929:0.066475):0.004212,(219923437:0.048313,219923436:0.044997):0.014553):0.008927):0);</div> this (you will need an SVG-capable browser to see anything). The Javascript parses the Newick tree, generates SVG, then replaces the Newick tree in the HTML with the corresponding picture. No need for server-side graphics, the diagram is generated by your web browser based on the Newick tree description.
Here's the same tree as a phylogram: