Saturday, March 21, 2009

London Calling Video

Here's the video of my talk at the NHM (courtesy of Vince Smith).

Going Digital - by Rod Page from Vince Smith on Vimeo.


  1. It's a pity that the audio level is SO low. I gave up and viewed the slideshow instead.

  2. that's odd, my audio level was fine..

  3. Just to elaborate - the volume is low, but not TOO low on my setup. Try headphones maybe?

  4. Re the volume, the first few moments of Rod talk (about 10 seconds) is very quiet. After this I shove the microphone back under Rod's nose and the level picks up to being perfectly listenable, though you will have to turn your sound level right up. Unfortunately this lecture theatre is not equipped to make high quality recordings in the way that our public facing theatres are (i.e. the Nature Live studio).


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