Tuesday, May 13, 2008

JavaScript Information Visualization Toolkit

I've just discovered Nicolas Garcia Belmonte's JavaScript Information Visualization Toolkit (JIT). Wow! This is very cool stuff (and no Flash). To quote from the web site:
The JIT is an advanced JavaScript infovis toolkit based on 5 papers about different information visualization techniques.
The JIT implements advanced features of information visualization like Treemaps (with the slice and dice and squarified methods), an adapted visualization of trees based on the Spacetree, a focus+context technique to plot Hyperbolic Trees, and a radial layout of trees with advanced animations (RGraph).

Nicolas also links to a talk by Tamara Munzner, which I've embedded below to remind myself to watch it.


  1. You might have also seen the Ben Fry's Processing has just been ported to JavaScript.

  2. Hi Rod,
    looks very interesting indeed! I have been looking for something like that for a while to replace my Java based visualization of taxon concept ontologies. The only comparable thing I found was JSVIZ. I played a bit with it but its not perfect. I'll try JIT..thanks for posting that link!

  3. I've been working on something similar to the rgraph for a little while ( http://treetapper-dev.blogspot.com/search?q=viewing ) and have tried Google Maps (too slow with many points) and now Processing (but uses Java, though Processing.js looks interesting). It was nice to find that the thing I was trying to draw has a name ("rgraph") and associated literature -- thanks for the link, Rod.

  4. We recently created a tool to visualize drug-disease relationships as embodied in peer-reviewed research.
    Please give it a try: Visual Medical Dictionary

    The MeSH based ontology context tree and network map go beyond regular dictionaries by allowing you to double-click nodes and further explore the drug-disease-therapy relationships interactively.

    For example: a search for "obesity" will show a strong relationship between "Insulin" and "Exercise" among other drugs and therapies.


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